Selasa, 12 April 2011

Couple felt doll ^.^

(photo by logie dai anuru)  

This is order from my friend Karis. He want to give her girlfriend spesial gift for her birthday. I made it around 2-3 days..take much time isn' it??..hehe..because I made it after my office hour...(what's two busy night for me :P ). I try to made it so perfect and similiar with they ' look' as I can :). Honest this is the first time for me  to make felt doll..hehe..And Alhamdulillah my pilot project 'felt doll' couple edition has finished...:). Hope Karis and her girlfriend like it..^.^

(Photo by logie dai anuru)

Note :
Material Doll :
felt, dacron, embroidery thread
Material Box :
duplex paperboard, mika,wrapping paper


7 komentar:

  1. Salam kenal mbak din,,
    makasih banyak y mbak udah susah payah buatnya...maaph klo mas karis ngrepotin..hihi
    imut banget mbak bonekanya..lucu ditaruh dikamar...jadi rame kamarku...
    makasih y mbak..

  2. Hai ika,,,
    salam kenal juga...:), thanks ya...alhamdulillah kalo suka..^^. Suka bikin2 kerajinan dari felt juga ya kata karis??..smoga bisa saling tukeran ilmu ya..hehehe..
    see u again ika..& happy crafting^.^

  3. halo mba din... aku berkunjung nih... suka deh liat jaitannya... rapih...

    mba din kalo mau nikah mampir ke tokoku yah,order wedding card handmade...heheh...

    salam kenal mba...


  4. Hallo dini juga...(hehe..nama kita sama tnyta :P)..makasih ya dah mampir..:)
    alhamdulillah dibilang rapih..hihi..padahal awal bikin2 dulu msih mencong2 lho..:D, oke...salam kenal juga..^^

  5. diiin...kalo aku kasih hadiah ini yaahh...hehehehhe #ngarep

  6. Kak dhini, aku send email mau minta bantuan buat couple doll
    Mohon bantuannya huhuhu

  7. kak blogswalking nih di sini hehehe
    mau minta polanyaaa dong kak. lagi belajar bikin kreasi kain felt juga nih hehe tapi kadang suka ngga pede kalo bikin pola sendiri :p


Hi, thank you for leaving your comments. I love to hear them. Have a nice day and happy crafting!! :)